Sometime after the invention of the mirror, but no later than 1,000 B.C., ancient Greeks began using base metals and cat gut in a determined effort to take the smile provided by nature and make it better.
Today, gifted orthodontic specialists shape dazzling smiles while creating optimal form and function.
Orthodontics has come a long way in just a few thousand years.
Children, teenagers, young adults, middle-aged men and women, seniors – all are taking advantage of the simplicity that distinguishes today’s orthodontics.
There are orthodontic solutions for every lifestyle and budget. Fees for orthodontic care vary with the complexity of the treatment and may vary according to geographic region. Ask your orthodontist about anticipated treatment fees, payment options and insurance benefits.
Orthodontics is devoted to building beautiful smiles by bringing teeth, lips, and jaws into proper alignment. Straight teeth function better, are easier to clean, and are more likely to last your lifetime.
Your orthodontist can improve most tooth and jaw alignment problems at any age. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children see an orthodontist no later than age seven.
viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011
A Beautiful Smile for Everyone (taked from
jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011
El Sistema Damon produce notables resultados en jovenes y adultos.
El Sistema Damon esta basado en una filosofia de tratamiento que va mas alla que enderezar dientes.Los Doctores certificados en el Sistema Damon estan entrenados para mejorar no solo la alineacion dental, sino tambien mejorar la sonrisa y el perfil a nivel de los labios.
Muchas personas ven cambios notables no solo en los dientes sino en toda la cara. A esto le llamamosDamon System Bracelift y produce los siguientes cambios:
- Una sonrisa amplia.
- Mejor balance y estetica facial.
- Contornos de las mejillas mas suavizados que provocan en las sonrisas estrechas se vean mas llenas y atractivas.
- Menores triangulos obscuros en las esquinas de la boca.
- Dientes derechos y alineados.
- Mejores perfiles ...para una apariencia mas joven.
Muchos pacientes empiezan a ver estos cambios en poco tiempo de iniciado el tratamiento.
Le recordamos que estamos certificados en el Sistema Damon.
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