martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

Why you need to consider an Invisalign treatment

People everywhere are beginning to experience the benefits of Invisalign treatment. Here’s why people just like you are choosing Invisalign over traditional braces:
  • With Invisalign you can have a straighter, healthier smile without all the noticeable wires and brackets of traditional braces. Invisalign helps improve your overall oral health by making it easier to brush and floss, while also maintaining the proper tooth structure.
  • Invisalign aligners are removable making it easy for you to enjoy the foods you love without worrying about breaking your appliance. You can also remove your Invisalign aligners to brush and floss regularly.
  • You don’t need to change anything about your current lifestyle! With Invisalign you can continue participating in day-to-day activities without changing a thing. Invisalign is great for professionals, athletes, brides, and parents.
  • Office visits and checkups are easy, quick, and painless. You will also need to schedule fewer appointments throughout your entire treatment.

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

Certificacion Damon System

Nos da un gran gusto poder compartir con Uds. un logro profesional mas. Dia con dia nos superamos para poder ofrecerle un tratamiento de  de calidad con las mejores tecnicas de la Ortodoncia actual.
Recibiendo la certificacion de manos del Dr. Balut

Atendiendo las indicaciones clinicas

Presentando un caso clinico


martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

MYTH: Orthodontists charge more than general dentists for orthodontic treatment.

FACT: It's not the same work. The value in seeing an orthodontist for treatment is that the orthodontist is an expert, highly experienced and understands form, function and a wonderful smile.

MITO:Los Ortodoncistas cobran mas caro que los Dentistas Generales por un tratamiento de Ortodoncia. 

HECHO: No es el mismo trabajo. El valor de ser atendido por un Ortodoncista es que es un experto, con mucha experiencia y entiende lo que es la forma, funcion y una sonrisa maravillosa.