Usar ortodoncia está “de moda”. Cada vez más niños, jóvenes y adultos recurren a los brackets para corregir su dentadura y por tanto, tener una sonrisa hermosa. Si bien es un tratamiento costoso y que puede llevar varios años en algunos casos, nadie duda que es super efectivo: todo aquel que haya usado ortodoncia obtiene una dentadura perfecta.
Como todo tratamiento, la ortodoncia requiere sus cuidados especiales. ¿Te encuentras a punto de usar brackets? Entonces, conoce cuáles son los cuidados durante la ortodoncia. Recuerda que, ante cualquier consulta, debes visitar a tu odontólogo.
Visita a tu odontólogo con frecuencia. Tal vez estabas acostumbrado a ir al dentista pocas veces al año, pero cuando se lleva un tratamiento de ortodoncia es recomendable ir más seguido – cada 2 a 6 semanas - para verificar que todo se encuentre bajo control.
Hazte amigo del hilo dental. ¿Sabías que el hilo dental es tan importante como el cepillo de dientes? Mucho más si usamos ortodoncia, pues el hilo dental es lo más efectivo para quitar los restos de comida que quedan entre los dientes y brackets.
Usa cepillo de dientes eléctrico. En cualquier farmacia puedes conseguir este cepillo de dientes especial, que es ideal para remover todas las plagas y restos de alimentos que se acumulan en tus dientes. Para mejores resultados, se recomienda primero cepillarse con cepillo normal y luego cepillarse con uno eléctrico.
Cuida tus brackets. Reemplaza la comida pegajosa y dura, o difícil de morder, por alimentos más suaves, como puré de papas, batidos, sopas, etc. Es importante tomar este tipo de medidas para evitar roturas en los brackets; si eso te sucede, debes consultar enseguida a tu dentista. Si lo desatiendes, interferirá en el tratamiento y hasta, tal vez, tengas que comenzarlo de nuevo.
miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011
Dental Braces Care For Healthy Teeth
Ever wondered if teeth braces make you look beautiful, the answer is 'yes'. Teeth Braces are worn by people who want to get their teeth align and look naturally beautiful.
To get the perfect smile, it is time to get your teeth aligned. So, dental braces is the perfect way out to get a perfect set of teeth.
When you get this fixed in your teeth, dental braces care is very important to maintain a good smile.
Here are some dental care tips for your dental braces care.
1.First you have to keep in mind to make your dental visits often. It is advisble to see your orthodontist 2 to 6 weeks so that he can help you with this treatment. If you delay the appointments, you might lose a bracket or even have a loose wire.
2.Make floss your best friend. You have to floss every tooth and brush after every meal so that the food particles do not get stuck in between the wires. Brush your teeth under the wires too.
3.An electric tooth brush can do wonders for dental braces care. You can purchase it any any local pharmacy. This electric tooth brush will help to remove all plague and food particles that are stored in the teeth. For better results, it is advisble to first brush with a normal tooth brush followed by the electric toothbrush.
4.Dental braces care is very important as it helps you get beautiful teeth. It is good if you avoid food that is sticky and too hard for you to bite on. Switch to foods that are soft and can be swallowed easily like that of mashed potatoes, soup, milkshake etc.
5.Regular dental care is essential if you have teeth braces. So, if your bracket has snapped, consult your orthodontist immediately, for if you leave it unattended it will disturb the rest of the teeth and will be a hinderance costing your treatment to start all over again.
Keep in mind that dental care is vital when you have dental braces. Dental braces care should be maintained from time to time to achieve your perfect set of teeth leaving behind a sparkling smile.
To get the perfect smile, it is time to get your teeth aligned. So, dental braces is the perfect way out to get a perfect set of teeth.
When you get this fixed in your teeth, dental braces care is very important to maintain a good smile.
Here are some dental care tips for your dental braces care.
1.First you have to keep in mind to make your dental visits often. It is advisble to see your orthodontist 2 to 6 weeks so that he can help you with this treatment. If you delay the appointments, you might lose a bracket or even have a loose wire.
2.Make floss your best friend. You have to floss every tooth and brush after every meal so that the food particles do not get stuck in between the wires. Brush your teeth under the wires too.
3.An electric tooth brush can do wonders for dental braces care. You can purchase it any any local pharmacy. This electric tooth brush will help to remove all plague and food particles that are stored in the teeth. For better results, it is advisble to first brush with a normal tooth brush followed by the electric toothbrush.
4.Dental braces care is very important as it helps you get beautiful teeth. It is good if you avoid food that is sticky and too hard for you to bite on. Switch to foods that are soft and can be swallowed easily like that of mashed potatoes, soup, milkshake etc.
5.Regular dental care is essential if you have teeth braces. So, if your bracket has snapped, consult your orthodontist immediately, for if you leave it unattended it will disturb the rest of the teeth and will be a hinderance costing your treatment to start all over again.
Keep in mind that dental care is vital when you have dental braces. Dental braces care should be maintained from time to time to achieve your perfect set of teeth leaving behind a sparkling smile.
lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011
¿Porque ofrecemos Damon System a nuestros pacientes que necesitan Ortodoncia?
Es por eso que nos inclinamos a ofrecerle este innovador sistema donde logramos metas que antes eran mas dificiles de lograr o no se lograban.
El Damon System esta formado por brackets de muy baja resistencia al movimiento dentario, resultando en tratamientos rapidos y sin molestias. Para las personas que no les gustaria mostrar brackets metalicos , tambien tienen la opcion de elegir Damon Clear, que funcionan igual que los brackets metalicos del Damon System, pero con la diferencia que son de cristal de zafiro, los cual los hace muy esteticos y practicamente no se ven.
Esta claro que nuestra mejor carta de presentacion es una sonrisa amplia y agradable y con estos sistemas de vanguadia lo logramos mas facilmente, solo es cuestion que usted se decida.
miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011
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